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This is Uta Meier-Hahn's website.

Publications & Appearances



Conference paper "Internet interconnection: how economic sociology can inform the discourse on internet governance"

Uta Meier-Hahn

In my dissertation I analyse the social dimensions of internet interconnection. Part of my theoretical framework is a research perspective that has been coined Economics of Convention (EoC). At this year's Global Internet Governance Academic Network's symposium I presented some of the building blocks of this perspective.

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What wearables have got to do with emancipation

Uta Meier-Hahn

On May 28, 2014, we had a panel discussion on wearables at the HIIG's "Digitaler Salon" event. I was invited to give a short introduction. My remarks as well as the discussion that follows are in German. If you do not understand German but are interested in wearables, I recommend you to read Donna Haraway's "Cyborg Manifesto". I refer to this text in my introduction because it reminds me of how important it is to explore the boundary zones of those dualisms that we are surrounded by. Human/technology is one of them. Wearables (can) prompt us to challenge this separation, so they open up a field for emancipation from dualisms and the exclusions they produce.

Conflict of conventions? What a social sciences view can reveal about the interconnection deal between Netflix and Comcast

Uta Meier-Hahn

When Netflix and Comcast recently announced that the video service's data will be poured into the Comcast network more directly, interconnection agreements were put in the spotlight as economic practices. However, economic action happens in a social context. The concept of economics of convention can help us see the social in internet interconnection.

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